Category: Social Media

How To Increase Engagement On Social Media

Welcome to another instalment of The Online Presence Specialist blog. Today we’re looking at how to increase engagement on social media and avoid common mistakes in social media for business. What is high quality content? A lot of people assume that high quality content means “professional video” or hiring a photographer. It doesn’t. Sure, the […]

How To Get Your Business Noticed On TikTok

One of the most common questions I an asked is ” Catherine, how do I get my business noticed on TikTok?”. Well, it’s about time I wrote a blog for all you lovely biz brains. Understand your audience When any business owner asks me about a platform I always say the same thing; how does […]

Buyer Personality Types

Who exactly are you selling to? Lot of businesses haven’t really analysed their demographics in detail. Buyer personality types play a pivotal role in shaping market trends and influencing business strategies. They buy things differently, which will inevitably change your strategy on marketing, design and point of sale behaviour. Understanding the different types of buyer […]

50 Free Social Media Post Ideas

Improve your business value proposition and relevance with these 50 easy social media post ideas. Remember to tailor these ideas to your specific brand and target audience, and always strive to provide valuable and engaging content that resonates with your followers.

Understanding Generational Purchasing Behaviour: The Key to Successful Marketing

In the UK’s diverse and interconnected marketplace, understanding generational purchasing behaviour is crucial for top-tier sales. One essential aspect of consumer behaviour is generational purchasing patterns. Each generation possesses distinct characteristics, experiences, and values that influence their buying decisions. When a business understands these generational nuances, one can tailor strategies to effectively engage and connect […]

5 Biggest “Farm Shop” Mistakes (and how you can avoid them).

Welcome to the “5 Biggest Farm Shop Mistakes” from the rural business blog with me, Catherine Jarvis Clothier (The Online Presence Specialist). This month we’ll be looking at the 5 biggest “farm shop” mistakes I see on my travels as a rural business consultant. Better yet, you’ll get a chance to avoid ever making these […]

Online Presence Types & What They Say About Your Business

Welcome to another edition of the rural business blog with me, Catherine Jarvis Clothier. This month we’ll be delving into What Your Online Presence Says About Your Business and how it impacts your success. We all have an online presence We all have an online presence of some kind – this can either attract or […]